Tractors & Equipment for Parts

New Holland 1469
New Holland 1469 self propelled haybind, gas type. Part of a package deal and I was told it would run and then shut off on its own so it was parked...
New Holland 1469
New Holland 1469 self propelled haybind, gas type. Part of a package deal and I was told it would run and then shut off on its own so it was parked...

Ford 4000
Ford 4000 gas, select-o-speed transmission is suppose to be out. Purchased in a package deal and we were told it ran until the transmission supposedly went out. Tractor is being parted...
Ford 4000
Ford 4000 gas, select-o-speed transmission is suppose to be out. Purchased in a package deal and we were told it ran until the transmission supposedly went out. Tractor is being parted...